For Authors

Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review (WER) is a scientific quarterly journal comprising articles of general scientific interest in areas related to economy. Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review is permanently open for articles across all the research domains covered by the journal. Authors are invited to submit manuscripts devoted to theoretical and empirical research.

The articles are published online in Polish and English. The published articles are freely accessible. All submissions are refereed by reviewers in a double-blind peer review process. Articles should contain original work – which has neither been published by the author or anyone else in any other medium, nor is it under consideration for publication in any other medium. Submission is also an equivalent to permission to publishing and disseminating the manuscript (unlimited as to time and territory of distribution as well as to free copies and issues made available on the Internet).

The article must be laid out on an A4 size (210 x 297 mm) page, text single spaced, in Arial font and in a single column. Margins must be 2,5 x 2,5 x 2,5 x 2,5 cm. The article must be fully compatible with Microsoft Word text processor (not older than the version of 2003) for Microsoft Windows operating system. Additional layout requirements must also be followed.

Submission of the article is free of charge and should be sent in the electronic MS Word format to the Editorial office. The submission is completed upon receipt of a confirmation e-mail.

The whole paper should contain maximum 40 000 characters (notes and reference list inclusive). Subheadings shall be limited to two levels only. The length of the paper is 5-15 pages (Arial 11, block-aligned).

The editorial committee requires those submitting works for publication to disclose the contributions of individual authors to the preparation of the work (along with their affiliation and contribution, i.e. information on who is responsible for ideas, assumptions, methods, protocols, etc. used in the preparation of the publication). Primary responsibility rests on the author submitting the manuscript.

The editorial committee is of the view that "ghostwriting", understood as a contribution to the authorship of a publication without disclosing someone's participation as one of its authors or without disclosing his/her role among acknowledgements included in the publication, as well as "guest authorship", understood as a situation in which the contribution of the individual(s) formally listed as author(s) is nominal or non-existent, constitute academic misconduct and all such cases will, if discovered, be exposed and reported to the relevant institutions (authors' employer, scientific associations, scientific editorial associations, etc.).

The editorial committee requires information about sources of financing for publications, the contribution of research institutions, societies and other entities ("financial disclosure").

The editorial committee documents all cases of academic misconduct, particularly violations of ethical principles applicable in the field of science.

Material in the article must be presented in the following order:

  • Title of the article;

  • Name(s) and surname(s), workplace(s) (including address), and e-mail address(es) of the author(s);

  • Abstract;

  • Keywords;

  • JEL codes;

  • Introduction;

  • Theoretical framework of the research;

  • Research methodology;

  • Analysis of research results or scientific problem;

  • Conclusions;

  • References.

Please use our article template when creating an article.


Articles can be sent by e-mail to any member of the Editorial Committe (



Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o.
e-ISSN: 2658-1310


Mariusz Dybał


  • Erih Plus
  • BazEcon
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)