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Tom 7 (2016): Dokumenty osobiste w doświadczeniach badawczych — od (auto)biografii do fikcji (nie)literackiej

„Lektura nieporządku”: kilka przykładów narracji autobiograficznych z okresu Zagłady

  • Katarzyna Stańczak-Wiślicz
28 czerwca 2017


Reading what was born out of disorder — a few examples of autobiographical narratives from the period of the Holocaust

The paper is based on the textual analysis of a few chosen autobiographical narratives from the period of the Holocaust in occupied Poland. They were written by teenage girls and young women, mostly in Polish.
“Reading what was born out of disorder” — category formulated by the French historian, Arlette Farge, has been applied as a basis for the analysis. According to Farge’s concept, the paper deals with the analysis of the authors attempts to document the disintegration of a well-known world of every-day experiences and their own suffering related to a lack of order in the world around them.