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Tom 14 (2016)

O fałszywej świadomości językowej i językoznawczej w podręcznikach do języka polskiego z początku XXI wieku

  • Kordian Bakuła
2 lutego 2017


On false language awareness and linguistic awareness in Polish language textbooks from the early 21st century

Most Polish language textbooks correctly shape language concepts and language awareness in general. However, the author has found various errors in them. In the article he adopts a hypothesis whereby the errors are the reason why sometimes distorted, even false awareness of various aspects of language emerges as the Polish language is taught. To describe this phenomenon, he uses two main concepts: false language awareness and false linguistic awareness. He examines more than ten textbooks and exercise books used in three stages of the education process: years 4–6 of primary school, secondary school as well as high school and technical college.