On needs of students with migration experience from the perspective of Polish language teacher
The article On needs of students with migration experience from the perspective of Polish language teacher focuses on lack of proper background of Polish teachers in working with immigrants’ and re-emigrants’ children. The author emphasises that existing governmental regulations, which offer language support for those children, do not solve appearing problems. She argues that before a child is admitted to a school, s/he should undergo a thorough Polish language course, and teachers of the school to which the student is to be admitted, should get informed on the culture and everyday life of the given student’s country. Only then will the language feedback provided by the school be effective and the student will receive a proper emotional support in difficult situation of being in new environment.
The author also points to the fact that a student with migration experience can be a child who can perfectly speak Polish language and who lives in Poland but whose one of the parents is not Polish; this also concerns children of Polish parents who came back to Poland after years of emigration. For those children very often the language support is either not necessary, or needed to a small extent in comparison to children who cannot speak Polish language. However, concern and emotional support from the surrounding may prove very important.
The author emphasises the need of setting up an online learning platform dedicated to all the students with migration experiences. Such platform would be a means of showing concern to the child of immigrants and re-emigrants, as well as it would provide care and attention for their needs. This learning platform could also support developing the knowledge of student’s first language or serve as a help in learning the language of child’s ancestors via a Polish student, whose one of the parents is a foreigner.