
Vol. 19 (2013)

Więcej niż gra wyobraźni. Kilka uwag o komputerowych adaptacjach gier RPG

Pages: 51 - 69

PDF (Język Polski)


Beyond the game of imagination. Digital adaptations of Role Playing Games

Computer games industry in the 21th century is vastly expanded and brings bigger game developers large financial profits. Budgets of the most popular computer games can be compared to budgets of many Hollywood blockbusters, and overall incomes of both quite often are almost equal. In the age of digital media and in the wake of Web 2.0 expansion computer games should be considered as possible future of entertainment industry.
Many successful computer games are based on their paper predecessors, Role Playing Games. What is more, large number of means, ideas and themes were almost directly transferred from traditional, storytelling games to their digital adaptations. In this article, we make a comparison of popular RPG’s Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars d20, Vampire: the Masquerade and Wiedźmin: Gra wyobraźni [The Witcher: Game of Imagination] and computer games Baldur’s Gate, Knights of the Old Republic, Vampire: the Masquerade — Bloodlines, The Witcher based on them. We also want to find out, which original aspects were adapted to digital versions and which benefits of virtual reality were used to improve computer RPGs in comparison to their predecessors.