
Vol. 23 (2017)

Gdzie kończy się literatura? „Głos Pana” i „Golem XIV” — Stanisława Lema „resztki po powieści”

Pages: 39 - 50

PDF (Język Polski)



Where the literature ends? His Master’s Voice and Golem XIV — Stanisław Lem’s “relics of a  novel”

The paper discusses the literary works of Polish science fiction writer — Stanisław Lem, particulary two of his late novels: His Master’s Voice 1968 and Golem XIV 1981. The essay focuses on the relics of a novel in these non-narrative works, including the lectures of an artificial intelligence Golem XIV and scientific essays on the first contact between humans and alien life form His Master’s Voice. A  subject of the paper is the psychoanalysis of the creative process and the reading of the relics of a  novel such as a  description as a  pattern of development or a  found-manuscript device in terms of Lacanian theory of the symptom and the theory of jouissance of the speaking subject parlêtre.