
Tom 30 (2013)

Procedura wymiaru i wykonania kar dyscyplinarnych wobec skazanych na karę pozbawienia wolności. Część II art. 146 k.k.w.–art. 149 k.k.w.

Strony: 191 - 206



Levels and enforcement of disciplinary penalties against people serving prison sentences. Part II Articles 146–149 of the Implementing Criminal Code

This is the second part of an analysis of issues related to the procedure concerning the levels and enforcement of disciplinary penalties against people serving prison sentences. The author continues his analysis of the issue of sentencing guidelines in disciplinary proceedings. In addition, he tackles the problem of fl exible modification of disciplinary penalties. A lot of attention is devoted to issues concerning statutory limitations and enforcement of disciplinary penalties as well as supervisory assessment of decisions taken in the course of disciplinary proceedings against inmates.

Zasady cytowania

Kwieciński, A. (2014). Procedura wymiaru i wykonania kar dyscyplinarnych wobec skazanych na karę pozbawienia wolności. Część II art. 146 k.k.w.–art. 149 k.k.w. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 30, 191–206. Pobrano z