
Tom 30 (2013)

Prawa osób pozbawionych wolności w świetle Konstytucji RP i Kodeksu karnego wykonawczego

Strony: 207 - 220



The rights of people sentenced to imprisonment in the light of the Polish Constitution and the Implementing Criminal Code

The article is an analysis of the rights of people sentenced to imprisonment specified in the Constitution and the Implementing Criminal Code. Referring to the two legal instruments, the author examines the rights of prisoners, people sentenced to militarycustody, people convicted of and sentenced for petty offences, people under arrest as well as detainees.

Zasady cytowania

Myrna, B. (2014). Prawa osób pozbawionych wolności w świetle Konstytucji RP i Kodeksu karnego wykonawczego. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 30, 207–220. Pobrano z