
Tom 30 (2013)

Warunkowe przedterminowe zwolnienie z odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności w systemie dozoru elektronicznego — przesłanki materialne

Grzegorz Małyniuk

Strony: 221 - 233



Conditional release from serving a punishment of deprivation of liberty in the electronic surveillance system

This paper includes an analysis of the substantive conditions for the authorization to serve a punishment of deprivation of liberty in the electronic surveillance system. Then those are compared to the conditions for granting of conditional release. As a result of this analysis and comparison conclusions are formulated, concerning the influence of serving the punishment in the electronic surveillance system on the decision about granting of conditional release.

Zasady cytowania

Małyniuk, G. (2014). Warunkowe przedterminowe zwolnienie z odbywania kary pozbawienia wolności w systemie dozoru elektronicznego — przesłanki materialne. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 30, 221–233. Pobrano z