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Tom 43 (2017): Księga Jubileuszowa Profesora Tomasza Kaczmarka

Nielegalna imigracja z perspektywy występku umożliwienia lub ułatwienia pobytu na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

  • Monika Filipowska-Tuthill
16 maja 2017


Illegal immigration from the perspective of the crime of enabling or facilitating stay on the Polish territory

This article is devoted to the important and very current problem of immigration, from the perspective of European Union and Polish regulations. This paper analyzes the crime of enabling and facilitating the illegal stay on the Polish territory, where the perpetrator acts for personal or financial gain. The subject here is the protection of public safety and order against unauthorized aliens. Illegally staying in the Republic of Poland, foreigners create a broad spectrum of threats to the state and its citizens from administrative to illegal employment in organized crime and international terrorism.