Prawo karne wykonawcze

Vol. 36 (2015)

Decyzja klasyfikacyjna. Charakter prawny oraz tryby kontroli i weryfikacji

Pages: 67 - 82

PDF (Język Polski)


Classification decision — the legal nature and modes of control and verification

Classification is the process of dividing convicts sentenced into groups according to certain criteria by directing them to the proper type of prison and imprisonment system and by their proper distribution within the prison.
The aim of this treatment is to create the best possible conditions of working with convicts, to counteract the harmful effects of demoralized convicts on other inmates as well as to ensure personal safety. The article presents the basic legal problems in issuing and verifying the classifying decision.

Citation rules

Kalisz, T. (2016). Decyzja klasyfikacyjna. Charakter prawny oraz tryby kontroli i weryfikacji. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 36, 67–82. Retrieved from