Prawo karne wykonawcze

Vol. 53 (2019)

Wybrane problemy klasyfikacji penitencjarnej w percepcji personelu specjalistycznego

Pages: 91 - 108

PDF (Język Polski)


Selected problems of penitentiary classification in the perception of specialist staff

This paper focuses on the problems of penitentiary classification of particular groups of convicts, which include convicts with mental disorders, addicts, and those suffering from physical health dysfunctions. The conclusions presented in the paper are based on the answers given by specialists doctors, psychologists, therapists, educators employed in prisons. They conclusions can be an incentive for discussion on the reform of the system of putting convicts in prison units appropriate for their needs, which in turn determines the results in terms of therapeutic and penitentiary influence and thus achieving the goals of penalty by convicts.

Citation rules

Kwieciński, A. (2020). Wybrane problemy klasyfikacji penitencjarnej w percepcji personelu specjalistycznego. Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego, 53, 91–108.