
Tom 49 (2009)

Model miłości w „Marii Stuart” Juliusza Słowackiego

Sylwia Płotnicka

Strony: 5 - 20



A model of love in Juliusz Słowacki’s Mary Stuart

In my article I treat Mary Stuart from Juliusz Słowacki’s play as a very controversial figure. According to Józef Ujejski, she has many traits of a capricious though innocent child. Juliusz Kleiner was fascinated by her mysteriousness, her tendency to do good deeds which ultimately, and seemingly accidentally, always became bad. For Eugeniusz Sawrymowicz Mary is an independent, resolute woman who was born to be a queen. As such she is a typical example of the muses of Provencal poets who emancipated the fair sex already in the Middle Ages. Leszek Libera holds a different opinion on Słowacki’s portrayal of Mary Stuart. According to him, Słowacki created a portrait of a very spoilt, cold, sophisticated and ruthless woman. Słowacki presents the queen at her downfall – both moral and political. The figure of Mary Stuart should, therefore, be regarded as a “victim” of the medieval model of love. Despite the fact that she was loved by many people, she felt very lonely all her life. Misunderstood by those around her, she was unable to reciprocate the strong affection she was given, though she wanted to do so. And this is the figure created by the young Słowacki in his most mature play before Kordian.