This paper concerns a Latin treatise on the theory of music entitled Musicorum libri quattuor [Four Books about Music], written in the form of didactic poem by a Czech humanist, Václav Philomathes, and printed in Vienna in 1512. The treatise, although written solely in dactylic hexameter, shows a certain degree of variety within the metre that can be thoroughly examined. The paper offers a collection and analysis of such data, which includes: distribution of spondees in each line of the poem, frequency of occurrence of particular metric patterns within the treatise, deviations from the norms of verse composition, and occurrences of rare metric patterns. The analysis reveals a noticeable variety in the metre of the piece in question — and one that seems to be deliberate. Furthermore, it can be observed that the author preferred patterns with a spondee in the second foot over the other and avoided using more than two metrically identical verses in a row. Whilst the treatise does not employ many poetic devices and contains a limited technical vocabulary, the variety within the poem’s metre is significant.
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