
Vol. 63 (2024)

Performative narrative in Jakub Żulczyk’s “Czarne słońce” — metalepsis and the audiovisual syndrome

Pages: 179-190

PDF (Język Polski)


This article focuses on the relationship between literature and audiovisual media. I examine how the author of Czarne słońce [Black Sun] uses elements of poetics taken from action movies and video games to increase the effect of literary immersion (the reader’s involvement in the presented world). The con­cept of this book is based on the performative influence on the reader, who experiences text in an almost physical way. The author also uses the figure of metalepsis, which enabled him to achieve the effect of breaking the frame­work of literature — infiltrating the textual world from outside and vice versa. The main point of this paper was to show the plasticity of literature and its ability to use the semiotic system of other media systems (films, video games). The use of imaging methods typical for audiovisual arts in this case allowed to adapt to the ways of influencing readers entangled in the culture of images and sounds.


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