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Vol. 131 (2022)

The right of national minorities to participate in the public life of the state of residence

  • Wojciech Wereszko
March 21, 2023


In a democratic state that respects human rights, every citizen has the right to participate in its public life: to vote and to be elected, to have access to public service and may, in principle, take part in the conduct of public affairs. In some regulations and international documents there also exist a special right of national minorities (or persons belonging to them) in this respect. In case of such groups, which are vulnerable to marginalization, it is particularly important — also in the context of exercising other minority rights — to ensure their effective participation in public life and their having a say in matters concerning them. However, this right may be exercised in various legal and institutional forms. Therefore, it is worth analyzing the regulations relating to the right of national minorities to participate in public life. Understanding the nature of said right and the potential forms of its implementation by states is also a valid pursuit.