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Vol. 135 (2023)

Legal grounds for private participation in the construction or expansion of road infrastructure

  • Beata Pawlak-Alechno
June 27, 2024


The aim of this article is to identify and assess the legal grounds for making the issuance of a roadworthiness agreement to an investor conditional on the conclusion of a road agreement with a local government authority.

Obtaining an agreement by a private investor determines the issuance of a building permit. Therefore, in the most cases investors who want to start an investment decide to conclude contracts and, consequently, to actively participate in a road project.

The above practice of local government bodies has been used in recent years in relation to new development investments, especially in large urban agglomerations. The presented study is therefore devoted to showing what is the role of local government bodies in relation to ensuring the implementation of their own tasks, whether the construction or extension of roads falls within the scope of these tasks.


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