The reform of Polish public procurement was introduced by the Law of 11 September 2019, which entered into force on 1 January 2021. After a year in force, based on the Report of the President of the Public Procurement Office, which will be published in June 2022, it will be possible to indicate preliminary conclusions regarding the remodelling of the Polish public procurement market. The key indicators will be those relating to market competitiveness, the use of structures that strengthen cooperation with the private sector, including preliminary market consultations and negotiated procedures, and the level of implementation of the so-called strategic procurement. This paper will comment on the state of the Polish public procurement market prior to the full implementation of the reform. Directions of socio-political-economic changes forcing a new approach to public procurement will be outlined. The main assumptions of the Act of 19 September 2019, Public Procurement Law, will be mentioned. Finally, key spheres will be indicated, which, in the author’s opinion, should arouse particular interest in the context of the evaluation of the Polish public procurement market in 2022.