
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submitted manuscript has been prepared in accordance with the principles of academic integrity.
  • The author/s own the rights to this manuscript.
  • The manuscript is free of legal defects.
  • The manuscript has not been published elsewhere, either in full or in part, and is not currently under review at another journal.
  • The manuscript has been edited in accordance with the author guidelines of the journal.
  • If the manuscript is accepted for publication, you grant free permission for its publication in Romanica Wratislaviensia as well as its distribution unlimited in time and territory, including marketing copies of the journal and free access to its current and archival copies on the Internet.
  • If the manuscript is accepted for publication, you agree that it shall be licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 (CC BY 4.0,

Author Guidelines

The articles are selected in two steps: first, after consulting the Scientific Committee of the journal, the editorial team (Editorial Committee and the editor of the issue) makes a preliminary selection among the submitted article abstracts and invites the authors of the qualified abstracts to submit their articles; then all submitted articles are sent to two or three independent reviewers (double-blind review process).

The first stage (submission of proposals) is via e-mail: abstracts should be sent to the e-mail addresses of the issue editors before the deadline indicated in the call for papers.

The second stage is carried out entirely via the OJS platform.

The final decision to accept texts positively evaluated in the review process is made by the editorial team after consulting the Scientific Committee.

Submitted reviews are always evaluated by the Editorial Team (editor of volume and Editorial Committee) before being published.

The authors are requested to provide information concerning the financing sources of the manuscript’s publication (e.g. the number of the grant and the name of the institution providing the grant) and indicate the contribution of scholarly research institutions to its preparation (by unambiguously specifying the author’s/authors’ professional affiliation).

In order to avoid ghostwriting and guest authorship, the authors of multi-author texts are requested to specify the contribution of each author in the publication (by providing pertinent names, surnames and affiliations, and by indicating the authorship of the ideas, hypotheses, and methods used in the manuscript). The responsibility for providing information about the contributors to the text is borne by the author submitting the manuscript, and in the case of a collective submission, by the author mentioned in the first place.

The editorial board of Romanica Wratislaviensia will inform relevant parties of all forms of scientific misconduct, especially any breaches of ethics applicable to science.



Author guidelines (PDF file to download)

Language: French (main language of the journal), Spanish, Italian or Polish

Format: *.docx (NO *. doc, *.odt ,*.pdf files), Times New Roman, 12 pt, standard layout, 1.5 line spacing.



Text length: 18000-40000 characters (with spaces), including footnotes, bibliography and abstract.

Presentation: First and last name of the author — Affiliation — E-mail address, ORCID identifier — Title — Main text; divisions marked with subtitles — Bibliography — Title in English — Summary in English — Key words in English and in the language of the article.


Specific editorial guidelines

Names and surnames referred to in the body of the text are given in full form (not initials), e.g.: Jean RacineWitold Gombrowicz. If a person is referred to several times, use the surname only (e.g.: RacineGombrowicz).

Highlights and foreign words: in italics. Do not use any other formatting1) for highlights (bold, underline, other fonts).

Quotes: short quotes are included in the text body between quotation marks (not in italics); quotes longer than three lines are given in 10-point characters and separated from the text with one blank line before and after, without quotation marks, with reference. Quotes should be carefully checked. If part of the quote is omitted, the missing text must be replaced by the symbol […].
If a quote is in a foreign language, a translation in the language of the main text is provided in the text body, and the original text presented in a footnote. If the quote was translated by the author of the article, this should be indicated in the following form, using the author’s initials: (trad. M.P.).

Examples: numbered using Arabic numerals in brackets, indented 1.25 cm, 10 pt font, followed by their reference in square brackets (see Sources of examples/Corpus section below):
(1) Joasia wypiła kawę. [TA 1 : 123]
Examples in a language other than the language of the article should be provided with a translation in parentheses:
(2) Mike przyjechał samochodem (Mike est venu en voiture). [ZX : 128]

Footnotes (content footnotes): Times New Roman, 10 pt, 1.5 line spacing, each footnote ending with a full stop. Place the reference at the end of the sentence, before the punctuation mark.

Illustrations (tables, graphs, drawings, images):  in black and white or greyscale, inserted in the text, but also attached as separate files. They should be numbered and titled.

“Par exemple” is abbreviated in the form: par ex.


References of works cited in the text of the article

References should be presented as follows:

Type of publication / source: (Reference in text)

Publication by a single author - reference to the entire work: (Sapiro 2019)

Publication by a single author - reference to specific pages: (Sapiro 2019 : 20)

Reference to several works by the same author: (Sapiro 2019, 2022a, 2022b)

Reference to several works by different authors: (Kurzowa 1974 ; Sobolewski 1999)

Reference to an undated work: (Zając s.d.)

Publication by two authors: (Ducrot, Todorov 1972 : 14-15)

Publication by three or more authors: (Smuk et al. 2023)

Collective monograph or other work: (Bartmiński 1993)

Chapter in a collective monograph or other work: (Burgelin 1997)

Non-scientific publication (e.g. press article): (Dubois 2007)

Publication without specified author(s) - first 2 or 3 words of the title: (Dictionnaire micro 2008)

Document without specified author and date: (« Qu’est-ce que… » s.d.)

Publication by an institution
– first citation: (Centre national de la littérature pour la jeunesse [CNLJ] 2013)
– subsequent citations: (CNLJ 2013)

Institutional document whose title is known as an acronym
– first citation: (Conseil de l’Europe [CECR] 2000)
– subsequent citations: (CECR 2000)

Dictionary, database or on-line catalogue
– first citation: (Trésor de la langue française informatisé [TLFi])
– subsequent citations: (TLFi)

Digital library: (Gallica)

For detailed information on full bibliographic entries, see the Bibliography section.


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