
Vol. 69 (2022)

Grammaire et méthodes de FLE : enquête sur les constructions infinitives de perception

Pages: 207-221



Through our observations of classroom practices, as didacticians and linguists, we note that infinitive constructions governed by a verb of perception (ICP) are only extremely rarely included in French as a Foreign Language teaching programmes. Yet, the perception of reality through the senses is one of the sociolinguistic objectives. In this case, unless we are inattentive, this is a notable gap in didactics that should be filled. We would propose to elucidate the specificities of the French ICP from a semantic-logical and cognitive perspectives.

Citation rules

Dańko, M. ., Marsac, F., & Ucherek, W. (2022). Grammaire et méthodes de FLE : enquête sur les constructions infinitives de perception. Romanica Wratislaviensia, 69, 207–221.