
Tom 59 (2012)

Les masques du traducteur: l'exemple d'Aldo Camerino

Tania Collani

Strony: 259 - 268



On translator’s masks : the example of Aldo Camerino

Beginning from the 1940s, Aldo Camerino 1901–1966, a Venetian writer and literary critic, translated into Italian many literary works from French, English and Spanish. In a strongly liberticidal period due to Mussolini’s regime, racial laws and WWII, the emerging “industry of translation” had to struggle to publish certain literary works, and authors/translators were often disguised under aliases in order to escape the censorship’s watchful eye. Although at the time often invisible behind his different masks, Aldo Camerino comes across today as a figure of a courageous and discreet translator and scholar.

Zasady cytowania

Collani, T. (2012). Les masques du traducteur: l’exemple d’Aldo Camerino. Romanica Wratislaviensia, 59, 259–268. Pobrano z