Recenzje i omówienia

Tom 46 (2024)

Alicji Helman „opus magnum”. Rec. Alicja Helman, „Miłosierdzie szatana. Adaptacje audiowizualne powieści i nowel Tomasza Manna”, Wydawnictwo Centrum Studiów Niemieckich i Europejskich im. Willy’ego Brandta Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław 2022, s. 823

Strony: 261-271



Alicja Helman’s book on audiovisual adaptations of Thomas Mann’s prose holds a special place in her scholarly output. According to the reviewer, it is her magnum opus. This is supported primarily by the rank and scope of the issues taken up by the author, as well as the store of erudition that serves the indefatigable scholar to illume and in turn, delve into some of the greatest works of European and world literature. The uniqueness of Helman’s book is reflected as much in the precise construction of arguments that all twenty chapters present as in the title, borrowed from Mann himself. Thanks to the author’s writing finesse and attention to detail, the reader can come as it were face to face with such promethean figures of world culture as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Wagner, Goethe, and Visconti.


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