The aim of the article is an analysis of the early works of Jarosław Ładosz, a Polish philosopher and mathematician, who in the 1960s conducted a thorough examination of the most important scientific accomplishments in the field of logic and mathematics from the perspective of Marxist philosophy. Being nowadays assessed as a symbol of dogmatism and orthodoxy in Polish Marxism, Ładosz revised most of the superstitions on the relationship between mathematical logic and dialectics, which have been legitimized in official Marxist philosophy since the times of Marx and Engels, in his early works. Having rejected the claims of some Marxists for the formalization of dialectics, he presented the original concept of dialectics as a methodological tool for studying the sources of logical knowledge. Combining dialectical materialism with Jean Piaget’s epistemology, he formulated an elaborate, original hypothesis of the social construction of logico-mathematical knowledge, while at the same time transcending the subject-object division as-sumed in Marxist dogmatic epistemology.