
Tom 19 Nr 2 (2024)

Transformations of the Notion of Landscape in the Context of Nature–Culture Relation

Strony: 63-75

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The landscape has been of particular interest since the 1970s, and this is largely due to the threats to nature resulting from the climate crisis. The axis of the argument is the assumption of a significant relationship between the concept of landscape and the nature-culture relationship in the modern era and today. The text reflects on the meaning of the concept of landscape in aesthetic and cultural terms and within the framework of contemporary environmental aesthetics and the philosophy of natural heritage. Landscape as an aesthetic idea emerged in the modern era with the development of landscape painting. In J. Ritter’s approach, the concept of landscape focuses, as in a lens, on the modern-era attitude of man to nature. Landscape as a medium is not only a genre of art but also becomes a carrier of ideas, social needs and political aspirations. The content of the article refers to the concept of W.J.T. Mitchell and S. Pietraszko. Landscape as an environment and natural heritage will be discussed in the example of A. Carlson’s concept and approach to nature and landscape which is reflected in UNESCO conventions.


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