
Tom 19 Nr 2 (2024)

Obecność idei kontemplacji w malarstwie Michaela Willmanna

Dominika Jacyk-Manikowska

Strony: 51-62



This article discusses the idea of contemplation in the paintings of Michael Willmann. Though contemplation does not make itself present immediately in his works, the nature of his painting may both stimulate the practice of contemplation and visually exemplify the contemplative practice. In the paper, I consider several alternative ways of understanding contemplation which may be found exemplified in Willmann’s work. I discuss the role of visual representations in the prayer practices of the time as well as the changes in the very idea of contemplation that followed the publication of St Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises in 1548. The outlined here account of Willmann’s painting as anchored in the context of historical circumstances steers away from any categorical judgment and is meant as an invitation to personally experience his art.


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