Tom 12 Nr 4 (2017)

Dlaczego tak, a nie inaczej, należy definiować życie. Gdzie leżą podstawy — odniesienia, do których należy się odwołać, podając wyjaśnienie?

Andrzej Gecow

Strony: 11 - 25



Why should we define life this way?

Scientific and philosophical points of view from which the researchers see a problem influence the solutions of scientific problems and their subsequent trans­mission. My approach as a physicist and computer scientist for defining life, pur­suing deductive theories, was corrected by Chodasewicz, who, as a philosopher, tailored it for the needs of an audience. Here I present my way of choosing the premises of my approach, which previously seemed superfluous to me because I consider the coherence and conclusions of the presented theory as suffcient.