
Vol. 5 No. 3 (2010)

Filozoficzna koncepcja ochrony zdrowia w twórczości Juliana Aleksandrowicza

Alina B. Jagiełłowicz
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A Feedback between Ecological and Ethical Crisis in the Philosophical Concept of Health Julian Aleksandrowicz

In his moral teaching Julian Aleksandrowicz, a physician and a philosopher, was continually inspired by the concept of home oikos. According to him, there is a chance to restore a home in his specific sense if we return to the philosophy of ecologism of the ancient Greece which originated in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C., and by an appropriate transformation of our ways of thought and conduct. He saw main causes of tragedy of our times as a result of drastic ecological-ethical crisis. He claimed that “atrophy of ecological conscience” is at the root of the “dystopian” way of thinking which led to the moral degradation of mankind. He attributed the negative impact on natural relations to the fragmentary knowledge of wholeness of systems and to a moral failure which caused the ecological crisis. His quasi-Hippocratic aphorism: “philosophizing doctor is equal to gods” iatros filosofos isetheos seems to show that Aleksandrowicz believed in a therapeutic mission to be performed by a deep philosophical comprehension of nature and by a transformation of human relations to it.