
Vol. 10 No. 2 (2015)

Realisty problemy z rozciągłością

Marek Piwowarczyk

Pages: 91 - 102

PDF (Język Polski)


Realist’s problems with extension

In his book Studia z problematyki realizmu–idealizmu Marek Rosiak pointed to the problem of extension but he did not investigate it in extenso nomen omen. However, his recent works are directly devoted to the problem and bring negative results: according to Rosiak, extension cannot be an objective property of objects but is only intended by consciousness. In the present article I want to examine the ontological status of extension, analyze the problem of infinite regress entangled in the concept of extended object and take a look at possible solutions to the problem.
Extension is an essential structural property consisting in having parts which lie outside each other. Each part is also extensive so we have a vicious regress. In order to avoid it we can: 1 postulate non-extensive beings which compose extensive ones; 2 say that the regress is not vicious gunk theory; 3 postulate objects composed of parts dependent with respect to their extension on wholes I call them “primordially extended objects”; 4 postulate extended simples. I try to show that no solution is satisfactory.