
Vol. 12 No. 3 (2017)

Zło moralne a zło ontyczne — problem skutków wadliwego działania

Zbigniew Pańpuch

Pages: 77 - 85

PDF (Język Polski)



Moral and ontic evil — a problem of consequences of defective human actions

The problem analysed in the article is the question about results of faulty or evil human actions and the range of their influence on other beings. The thesis which was to justify states that so called ontic evil, which emerges in world of nature, understood as certain its defects, i.e. natural catastrophes like droughts, floods, earthquakes and other similar that is this would be at last the functional evil, really speaking has the relationship to moral generally internal state of human community.
In this aim it was considered the problem of the first appearance of evil in the world on the philosophical background given by theory of creation — creatio ex nihilo — originated from St. Thomas Aquinas. Initially the perfection of man and the world had mainly the functional character: the existing environment should make possible the fulfillment of the natural goals of rational creatures i.e. human persons, in a range of delivery necessary means. There should not be exceeded the natural possibilities of man if we take under attention natural abilities and strengths to create the civilization and use the techniques. In the opposite case — serious dif ficulties would lead to frustration an impossibility of achieving the natural goals of personal life, because of an excessive concentration on overcoming the varied dif ficulties in the world of nature. In this sense it is possible to accept, that actually observed above mentioned cataclysms could not have had any place because of unnecessary sufferings, pains, diseases, premature death i.e. before reaching natural goals characteristic to the personal beings.
In consequence a moral evil seems to be the only cause of disorders in the nature, as a consequence following from inappropriate acting men. In the article it was suggested that it can go beyond the usual results of external, intentional actions of humans. The influence of internal state of men, additionally multiplied by a quantity of the existing persons, could pose the essential factor influencing the environment. In the light of some contemporary theories of human being as also the world presentning the human organism as the bioelectromagnetic system corresponding with the environment, it seems that humans can exert on external world perceptible influence of the suchlike kind, similarly as the environment influ­ences the various conditions of human organisms.