
Vol. 12 No. 3 (2017)

Twórcze przezwyciężanie zła w koncepcji Mikołaja Bierdiajewa

Krzysztof Duda

Pages: 95 - 105

PDF (Język Polski)



Creative overcoming of evil in Nikolai Berdyaev’s concept

Russian existentialist Nikolai Berdyaev proposes a new concept of explaining evil that is in a particular way expressed in man’s suffering. His thinking points to evil as a constitutive element in a person’s development. In life, man has to go through evil and build their personality based on this experience. Such creating takes place through discovering in oneself the shared with God primeval meta­physical quality, which is the uncreated freedom, understood as the fullness of cre­ating possibilities. The creation of a person does not end with the death, humanly understood as the greatest evil. Because man as a free person is called to eternal creating in the spiritual primordial freedom. Such understood creating of oneself releases man from the daily evil and provides them with solace in suffering.