
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2018)

Wpływ zachodniej myśli politycznej na polski fizjokratyzm

Piotr Bukowczyk

Pages: 69 - 85

PDF (Język Polski)


The influence of the West political thought on the Polish physiocratism

By physiocratism I mean an economic and political doctrine invented by a French physician, François Quesnay 1694–1774. He found soon many followers, also in the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth. In my paper I analyse writings of six of them: Joachim Litawor Chreptowicz 1729–1812, Antoni Popławski in fact Jacek Popławski, 1739–1799, Hugo Kołłątaj 1750–1812, Hieronim Stroynowski 1752–1815, Stanisław Staszic 1755–1826, Jan Sebatian Dembowski 1762–ca. 1830. I proof that following Western political ideas had impact on their content: physiocratism, modern natural law theories, the Enlightment constutionalism.