
Tom 18 (2014)

Надзор государственной полиции Второй Речи Посполитой за общественно-политической жизнью украинцев Восточной Галиции в межвоенный период

Oleg Razyhrajew

Strony: 117 - 137



Control exercised by the State Police in the Second Polish Republic over the social-political life of East Galicia in the inter-war period

The article is devoted to the control exercised by the State Police in the Second Polish Republic over the social-political life of Ukrainians in East Galicia in the inter-war period. This was one of the main activities of the police in the region in question, especially when it came to the political police. The reason was that by that time the “Ukrainian issue” had become more pressing in Poland, given the predominance of the Ukrainian population as well as its strong opposition to the government. The author of the article describes how the police monitored the Ukrainians’ communal activity, the functioning of political parties and community organisations as well as the work of various religious and social activists.

Translated by Anna Kijak