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Tom 18 (2014)

Эмиграция населения из северо-восточных воеводств Польши в Соединенные Штаты Америки в 1921–1939 гг.

  • Olga Merczuk
30 czerwca 2015


Emigration of citizens from the north-eastern provinces of the Second Polish Republic to the USA in 1921–1939

In 1921–1939 many people living in the north-eastern provinces of the Second Polish Republic in Belarusian historiography: western Belarusian territories decided to emigrate in search of jobs and a better life. The present article focuses on the emigration processes involving people living in the Provinces of Vilnius, Novogrod, Polesia and Białystok, and emigrating to the USA in the inter-war period. The author has analysed the legal grounds of emigration, required documents and visas, as well as transport and emigration statistics. He points to the socio-economic aspects of emigration to the USA as well as its characteristic features in the region in question.

Translated by Anna Kijak