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Tom 19 (2015)

Wpływy Ukraińskiego Zjednoczenia Narodowo- Demokratycznego na terenie województwa tarnopolskiego w świetle kampanii wyborczych i wyników wyborów parlamentarnych w latach 1928 i 1930

  • Rafał Leszczyński
19 września 2016


The influence of the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance Українське Національно-Демократичне Обeднання in the Province of Tarnopol in the light of election campaigns and results of parliamentary elections of 1928 and 1930

The article is devoted to the political activity of the Ukrainian National Democratic Alliance UNDO in the former Province of Tarnopol during two election campaigns, in 1928 and 1930. This activity strengthened UNDO’s influence over the local Ukrainian population. This applied in particular to the strengthening of its local structures, rallies and strong ties with the Greek Catholic Church. The author of the article also examines the question of the Polish administration’s response to UNDO’s policy.
Translated by Anna Kijak