Artykuły recenzyjne

Tom 58 (2020)

Modality, Medium, and More: A Toolkit for the Multimodal Cognitive Linguist. Sidenotes on “Understanding Abstract Concepts across Modes in Multimodal Discourse: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach” (2020) by Elżbieta Górska

Strony: 189-202

pdf (English)


The focus of this review article is on Understanding Abstract Concepts across Modes in Multimodal Discourse: A Cognitive-Linguistic Approach (2020), the latest monograph by professor Elżbieta Górska of Warsaw University, a leading Polish researcher in the area of multimodality studies informed by cognitive linguistics. The goal of this article is twofold. On the one hand, the article aims at evaluating Górska’s monograph on its own merits, as a self-contained study of the cognitive processes involved in the interpretation of multimodal works of art by Janusz Kapusta, with an emphasis on conceptual metaphor, conceptual metonymy, and their interplay. On the other hand, the article aims at considering a number of thorny concepts underlying much of the current linguistically informed research into multimodal communication (notably, modality/mode, medium, and genre) by using Górska’s monograph as a springboard for their discussion.


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