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Tom 3 (2012): Przemiany świata mediów

Techniki dziennikarskie jako narzędzie odkrywania, rekonstruowania i referowania historii. Współczesne relacje o Holocauście

  • Igor Borkowski
31 grudnia 2012


In the paper the author examines the use of journalistic techniques to translate the experience of the Shoah by its participants — the victims, the second and the third generation of the Survivors. The increasingly numerous examples of the use of journalistic techniques to collect data, gather information, verify sources, documents and narrators of stories concerning the Holocaust are systematically analysed and illustrated with numerous references to the literature on the subject, both from WWII and the present day. In his analyses, the author takes into account pieces prepared by professional journalists as well as by those authors who, while not being journalists themselves, deliberately use journalistic techniques, hoping they will help them achieve the desired documentary and emotional effect.