
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The text has never been published before and it is not under consideration at another journal.
  • The text format is Microsoft Word or RTF.
  • The length of the proposal does not exceed the established limit.
  • The text has been formatted in accordance with Authors' Guidlines on style and bibliography.
  • Spacing 1.5; font size 12 points; italics for emphasis; figures and tables placed in the text (not at the end).

Author Guidelines

  1. General criteria


1.1. Manuscripts should be original and written in Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese, English or Polish.

1.2. Manuscript files should be sent in the following formats: DOC, DOCX, or RTF.

1.3. The maximum length should be 30 000 characters with spaces, including abstracts and references. Reviews should not exceed 9 000 characters with spaces.

1.4 The number of illustrationes is limited to 5. The illustrations should be sent in a separate file. Minimal resolution: 300 dpi.

1.5 The journal does not charge Authors any fees for publication.

1.6 Authors retain the copyright to their articles and grant the publisher of the journal a non-exclusive licence for the publication of the paper, free of charge. See Open Access and Copyright.

  1. Author and article data:

2.1. The header of the article should include:

a) Author name and surname(s) (uppercase, bold, left alignment).

b) ORCID iD (Registering is free at

c) Author affiliation (lowercase, left alignment).

d) Author institutional email (lowercase, left alignment).

e) Title in the language of the article (lowercase, bold, centered).

f) Abstract in the language of the article (maximum length should be 300 words).The abstract should implicitly have the following structure: introduction (objective), methodology, results, conclusions. The abstract must outline new and important aspects of the study.

g) Keywords (maxium 5 words) in the language of the article (lowercase and separated by commas).

h) Title of article in Spanish (lowercase, bold, centered).

i) Abstract in Spanish (maximum length should be 300 lines). The Spanish abstract should follow the guidelines of the abstract in the language of the artilcle. 

j) Keywords in Spanish (maximum 5 words) (lowercase and separated by commas). 

  1. Text Format in the article.

a) Text font: Times New Roman, 12 points, 1.5 line spacing.

b) Indented paragraphs.

c) The pages should not be numbered.

d) Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and appear at the bottom of the page (Times New Roman, 10 points, 1.0 line spacing). Footnote markers will be placed immediately before the period, comma, colon, and semicolon, but after ellipses (French system):

De acuerdo con algunos autores13, los pacientes con glaucoma no podían ser tratados con éxito14.

El mismo año expuso en la Bienal de Venecia, en el Guggenheim, en el Moma…4.

e) Double quotation marks (“ ”) are used for short quotations. For quotations within quotations, double angle brackes (« ») are used.

f) Long quotations (more than three lines of prose, about 35 words) should start on a new line, with the entire quote indented and without quotation marks (Times New Roman, 10 points). Adding or omitting words in quotations should be indicated by brackets and three periods [...]. If the omission is already in the quotation, by using ellipsis marks (...).

g) Reserve italics only for foreign expressions and book titles.

h) Bold type should be used only in article sections (titles or subtitles).

  1. Citation Styles

References should be included within the text or in the footnotes in parentheses: (Baczyńska, 1997: 44) or (1997: 44). The footnotes will be used only to extend or qualify the content.

The reference list should be included at the end under "Referencias bibliográficas", according to the following examples:

a) Journal articles:

Baczyńska, Beata (1997): "El lenguaje floral en el escenario áureo", Estudios Hispánicos, 6, pp. 44-50.

Garrido González, Ana y Katarzyna Moszczyńska-Dürst (2017): "Entre «la promesa de felicidad» y la melancolía del emigrante: Xohana Torres y Eva Moreda”, Estudios Hispánicos, 25, pp. 45-52.

Baczyńska, Beata (2019): "La reescritura en colaboración: El príncipe perseguido de Luis Belmonte, Agustín Moreto y Antonio Martínez de Meneses frente a la comedia fuente El gran duque de Moscovia y Emperador perseguido de Lope de Vega", Rilce: Revista de Filología Hispánica, 35, 3, pp. 770-805, <https:/doi.org10.15581008.35.3.779-805>.

Ziarkowska, Justyna (2018): "Mi siglo. Confesiones de un intelectual europeo de Aleksander Wat en España. Una traducción imposible", Estudios Hispánicos, 26, pp. 61-70, <https:/doi.org10.191952084-2546.26.7>.

b) Books

Kulak, Ewa Krystyna (2016): Kształtowanie się poczucia tożsamości Katalończyków: na podstawie piśmiennictwa okresu odrodzenia kulturalnego i narodowego (XIX w. - początek XX w.), Kraków, Universitas

c) Books chapters

Albert, Corinna (2014): "El debate del arte en los diálogos literarios del Siglo de Oro", en José Luis Losada Palenzuela and Justyna Ziarkowska (eds.), Teorías narrativas e interdiscursivas en la prosa hispánica, Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, pp. 159-165.

Kurek, Marcin y Justyna Ziarkowska (eds.) (2007): W poszukiwaniu Alefa. Proza hispanoamerykańska w świetle najnowszych badań. Borges, Carpentier, Sabato, Cortazar, Garcia, Marquez, Vargas Llosa, Wrocław, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego. 

d) Online sources

Losada Palenzuela, José Luis (2016): "Las fronteras del canon: distant reading", Carmen Morán Rodríguez (ed.), Canon y corpus: sobre el concepto de clásicos en la literatura, Hypotheses. Academic Blogs, 29072016, <https:/corpus.hypotheses.org271>.

For Internet sources is recommended to include as much information as possible (author, date, name of page, URL/URI, publisher, etc.). It is not necessary to include the date of access, except when it is not possible to determine a date.

When several works by an author are included, the name should be repeated each time (not replaced by hyphens). Names should be sorted alphabetically by the author's surname (and chronologically within an author). If an author has several works in the same year, works shoud be distinguished by a lower case letter after the year (2019a, 2019b).

If the paper is accompanied by data, Estudios Hispánicos recommends depositing it in the Zenodo repository and including the DOI of the repository record in the paper.

Estudios Hispánicos has a bibliographic style sheet in the CSL repository. Citation Style Language can be used in reference management software (Zotero, Mendeley, Papers) for the automatic generation of the reference list. It is possible to access the style sheet directly from management software.


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