The literary reportage Ciałko. Hiszpania kradnie swoje dzieci by Katarzyna Kobylarczyk expands the current state of investigation on Spanish stolen children, as well as on the role of non-fiction literature in the evolution of thought on memorial pluralism. This article presents the contents of the book and situates it in the contexts of other Polish non-fiction stories on stolen children and the Polish state of research on the subject in question. Furthermore, the interventionist function of the book and the universal nature of the problem are highlighted. As a result, Ciałko is seen as an important voice in the discussion on the struggle for reclaiming identity stolen by the system, by history, and by society. Kobylarczyk touches on key contemporary issues such as corruption, fanaticism, abuse by the Church and violations of women’s rights (and human rights in general). Despite the trauma related to these issues, the reporter succeeds in avoiding the hardening of narratives typical for literature of moral concern. Kobylarczyk shows that the past can be viewed from different perspectives: only by being aware of this plurality can one see the blank spaces on the map of history.
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