
Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review is a quarterly which appears only in the online form since 2013. The quarterly is a continuation of a previously issued by the Institute of Economics of the University of Wroclaw yearbook Economics. Online publication should help to accelerate the publishing process and allows for greater access to articles published in the quarterly. Our intention is that Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review would be a good platform for publication of papers focused on problems and topics related to the broad field of economics, as well as a forum for the presentation of diversified opinions and exchange  of many different, although sometimes controversial, opinions. The topics discussed in the Ekonomia – WER refer to issues related to pure economic theory, but also to economic policy, financial problems, or even methodological discourse in the social sciences. We kindly invite for cooperation either economists specialized in their fields (theorists, financiers, entrepreneurs) as well as scientists of related fields (law, philosophy, sociology, etc.) which can be closely connected with real economic processes.

We would like to emphasize that this journal will not represent one, clearly stated program line, and therefore all the polemical texts, as well as papers representing the position of the prospects of heterodox schools, will be welcome and willingly published in Ekonomia - WER.

Papers are published in Polish, English, French and German; English is a preferred language.

Abstracts of articles published in Ekonomia – Wroclaw Economic Review are in the Scientific Journals in the Web (CNS) database, as well as Index Copernicus, BazEcon and The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (under the relevant agreement between WUWr and CEJSH). Ekonomia – WER is also indexed in  ERIH PLUS, PBN – Polska Bibliografia Naukowa, Europeana, and POL-index.


Basic form of publication: Electronic.

Quarterly. Format B5

Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o.
e-ISSN: 2658-1310


Mariusz Dybał


  • Erih Plus
  • BazEcon
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)