
Vol. 29 No. 4 (2023)

Nostalgic consumer trends and nostalgia marketing

Pages: 69-82



Over the last few years, we have observed an intensification of nostalgic consumer trends manifested through choices and behaviors that reflect sentimental attachments to the past. In parallel, we increasingly note a growing presence of marketing activities that tap into the emotions and experiences tied to consumers’ memories. These efforts link brands and their campaigns to positive concepts or ideas from the past. Nostalgia marketing relies on evoking positive feelings about the past and applies to products, marketing communications, and brand experiences.

The article seeks to identify trends based on nostalgia, both in terms of consumer behavior and marketing practice. The author presents the essence of nostalgia marketing and the research domains on nostalgic consumer behavior. The article describes nostalgic consumer trends in the context of their determinants. It identifies nostalgic strategies and trends in contemporary marketing practice. The objectives are realized based on a literature review supported by bibliographic analysis, desk research based on available quantitative and qualitative research results, and content analysis of campaigns promoting nostalgic products and using themes and content related to nostalgia marketing. Insights on nostalgic trends and marketing approaches provide the basis for identifying practical and research recommendations.


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