
Tom 26 Nr 4 (2020)

Ocena funkcjonowania projektu e-zdrowie na rynku usług medycznych w świetle badań ankietowych

Strony: 47-62



The idea of the e-health project assumes the public use of effective information and communication technology systems, as well as the participation of patients and medical staff in the treatment process. The article’s aim is the analysis of the impact of the e-health project on the functioning of the Polish healthcare system which is currently implemented as part of the digitization of health care. It has been hypothesized that the implemented e-health project has been positively received by Polish society. In order to verify this, a survey was conducted on a sample of 305 respondents, including patients, doctors and people who had never had contact with e-health. The purpose of the survey was to recognize the attitudes, opinions and experience of beneficiaries of e-health regarding the functioning of the project in question. The article also contains secondary research presenting the current scientific achievements in the field of e-health.