Dissertations, studies, sketches

Vol. 13 (2019)

The “mountains of Łopuszna” in the oeuvre of Seweryn Goszczyński

Pages: 149-158

pdf (Język Polski)


In his two works devoted to the Podhale region (Dziennik podróży do Tatrów [Diary of a Journey to the Tatras] and Sobótka) Seweryn Goszczyński devotes a lot of attention to a description of the “mountains of Łopuszna”, part of the Gorce Range. The author is a precursor when it comes to presenting this space and one of few nineteenth-century writers who explore the varied structure of the Gorce landscape — natural and cultural. The article is an attempt to analyse the way Goszczyński presents Gorce, and the consequences of his creation for the analysed place.