Tom 24 (2018)

Ta śmieszna codzienność. Konwencje i źródła humoru w wybranych współczesnych komediach hiszpańskich

Strony: 209 - 224



This funny everyday life: Conventions and sources of humour in contemporary Spanish film comedies

In the article, the author aims to organize and describe the most popular conventions of Spanish film comedy, as well as describe the sources of humor in these movies. Starting with the begin­nings of contemporary post-Franco Spanish cinema, several important changes and developments are described. An economic and legal perspective provides background and a justification for the presented conventions. Additionally, several case-studies are analyzed, most importantly, films by Santiago Segura the series of Torrente and Emilio Martínez Lázaro El otro lado de la cama, Los 2 lados de la cama, Ocho apellidos vascos and Ocho apellidos catalanes.