Entertaiment supersystem as cultural phenomenon

Vol. 25 (2019)

Entertainment supersystems: research methods and methodology. Proposal

Pages: 17-42

PDF (Język Polski)


The problem that we want to investigate in this article is a phenomenon that, for various re-searchers, including Marsh Kinder, we call super entertainment systems. It is about a multitude of uses or the existence of not only figures, but also a certain universe — not necessarily taken from popular culture, resp. literature — which will then be introduced as elements or an intertextual net-work, or rather — become elements in various entertainment systems. They can be:

  1. Classic systems, such as classic printed forms,
    II. Films, including amateur productions and disseminated on the Internet,
    III. Different types of games ranging from RPG to video games,
    IV. Different types of theatrical or paratheatrical forms,
    V. Any gadgets related to the above-mentioned elements,
    VI. Also — manifestations of fanatic creativity (in any form),
    VII. Musical forms.

The problems that researchers face are related to the following:

  • Can the above-mentioned problems be reduced to a simpler form of the question about the form of the media message?
  • Is it about the so-called old media and new media and media convergence?
  • What and how the roles of the sender/author and the recipient should be determined, and whether such a division is correct (NB: L. Manovich introduces the notions of the creator and consumer, whether the division into a passive/active/participating recipient is important).

The problems that lie ahead are twofold:
First of all — methodical issues concerning the methodology of description and research of the aforementioned phenomena,
Secondly — methodological problems, among which the basic problem appears: can we define one approach to the above-mentioned issues or there will be a multiplicity of methodologies here? In the latter case, you will need to find a way/method to compare test results.