
The journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna follows the guidelines for journal editors ( established by the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).

I. Authors’ duties

  1. The reliability of a scholarly text is essential for its quality. The Authors should present the outcome of their research in a well founded, honest, thorough and unequivocal way.

  2. In the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna only original scholarly articles are published which were not published in or submitted to another journal, monograph or collection of studies. Submitting the same text for publication in several sources is unethical and unacceptable. This concerns also articles previously published in other languages.

  3. The articles accepted to be published in Literatura i Kultura Popularna cannot appear in other sources without written permission of the Editor-in-Chief or/and the Publisher.

  4. The main evaluation criterion of the submitted articles is the objective character of the analyses, as well as the unequivocal and verifiable presentation of the problem and the methods of its elaboration. Providing false observations, faking research results, manipulating the data are considered to be unethical and unacceptable.

  5. In each case when the text refers to observations, research, results or elaboration of a given problem proposed by other authors the referred-to fragment should be cross-referenced and/or included as a quotation. Authors should base the text on appropriate related literature, crucial for the research problem. Information acquired in a conversation or via correspondence with other persons may be quoted in the article only with the univocal written consent of these persons.

  6. If the Author is not familiar with a given text, copying references to it from other works is considered unethical.

  7. Authors cannot publish or disclose individual identification data of another person, acquired in the course of the research, without the permission of the person concerned or of her/his legal representative.

  8. The journal has implemented procedures that will prevent cases of ghostwriting and guest publishing. Both ghostwriting and guest publishing are concidered unethical and unacceptable. The authorship is limited only to those persons that had a considerable share in defining the basic concepts, assumptions, research methods and the realization of the ideas. In the case of multiple authorship of a given article each Author is obliged to define his/her contribution and to supply a written consent to submit the article in the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna. Authors are obliged to provide the names of all persons that contributed to preparing the article for publication.

  9. All the sources of research funding and other kind of research support should be specified.

  10. The responsibility for the disclosure of actual contributors as well as sources of research funding is on the Author.

  11. All cases of scientific dishonesty will be exposed and documented by the editors who will pass information about such dishonesty to relevant institutions (the Author’s place of employment, scientific societies etc.).

II. The duties of the Editorial Staff and the Advisory Board

  1. The Editorial Staff and the Advisory Board of the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna make decisions concerning the publication of the submitted article, respecting the compliance with the profile of the journal, the scientific (substantive) quality of the submitted articles as well as the originality of the presented research, conclusions and analyses. Citizenship, ethnic origin, race, gender and sex, sexual orientation or the Authors’ religious beliefs will not have any impact on the evaluation of the article.

  2. All the information concerning the Author possessed by the Editorial Staff and the Advisory Board is confidential.

  3. Information concerning the submitted article may be revealed by the Editor-in-Chief, the Editorial Staff and the Advisory Board only to the Author(s) of the text, reviewers or prospective reviewers, editorial consultants (e.g. translators) and the Publisher.

  4. The persons enumerated in point 3 who received information concerning the article are obliged not to utilize the results, data, conclusions, opinions, analyses, etc. it contains until the article is published.

  5. The members of the Editorial Staff are obliged to observe the current law concerning copyright, protection of personal data, libel and plagiarism. They are also obliged to do everything possible to eliminate cases of plagiarism as well as ghostwriting and guest authorship.

  6. In the case of complaints concerning violation of ethical principles of academic publications addressed to the editors of the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna the Author(s) of the submitted article are informed in writing about the allegations and are asked to address them. Lack of any answer or an answer raising justified doubts will result in sending information concerning the case to institutions with which the Author is affiliated or with which he/she cooperates.

III. Reviewers’ duties

  1. Each submitted article is reviewed by two independent Reviewers from without the institution with which the Author is affiliated. The double-blind procedure is deployed ensuring that the Author and the Reviewers are ignorant as to each other’s identity.

  2. The Reviewers appointed by the Editorial Staff of the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna are obliged to inform the editors about resigning from reviewing the article due to the lack of qualifications or time. In this case the Editor-in-Chief in agreement with the Advisory Board appoints another Reviewer within 14 days.

  3. The reviewed text is treated as confidential. The Reviewer may not show and/or discuss the text with persons other than the members of the Editorial Staff of the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna. The research results, data, opinions, statements included in the submitted article may not be utilized by the Reviewer until the article is published.

  4. The Reviewer’s primary duty is to evaluate the article objectively. Any personal innuendoes or remarks are considered improper. All comments, evaluations and suggestions should be clear and supported by appropriate arguments.

  5. In the process of reviewing the following criteria should be taken into account: scholarly character of the submitted text; innovative quality of the research; methodological awareness and clear stating of the research problem; proper use of the state of research; logical argumentation and justification of the conclusions; appropriateness to the profile of the journal.

  6. The Reviewer informs the Editorial Staff about a suspicion of ghostwriting, guest authorship, plagiarism and/or so called autoplagiarism committed by the person submitting the article, pointing out the dubious fragment(s) of the article.

  7. Details of the reviewing procedure adopted by the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna can be found on the journal’s website, see Peer-review process.

IV. Procedures in the case of a suspicion of plagiarism, autoplagiarism, guest authorship and ghostwriting

  1. Plagiarism in any form is unethical and unacceptable.

  2. From 2025 all submissions are screened for plagiarism using the iThenticate plagiarism detection software.

  3. In the case of a suspicion of plagiarism the Editorial Staff of the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna applies the examination procedures involving the Reviewers and the person submitting the text.

  4. In the case of confirming an unlawful use of somebody else’s text, statements, research, results, data the Author of the submitted article is informed in writing about rejecting his/her text.

  5. In the case of confirming suspicions of plagiarism the editors inform the institution with which the Author is affiliated or with which he /she cooperates.

  6. In the case of confirmed autoplagiarism, when the Author includes in the submitted article fragments of his own texts already published without proper information, the Assistant Editor under the authority of the Editor-in-Chief and with the agreement of the Advisory Board of the journal Literatura i Kultura Popularna informs the Author(s) in writing about rejecting the submission due to lack of originality of the presented analyses.

  7. Cases of ghostwriting and guest authorship are unethical and unacceptable. In the case of confirming the suspicions of ghostwriting and guest authorship the Author of the submitted article is informed in writing of rejecting the text due to legal defect. The case is reported to the institution with which the Author is affiliated and/or with which he/she cooperates.


Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 0867-7441
e-ISSN: 2957-241X


Literatura i Kultura Popularna
Instytut Filologii Polskiej UWr
plac Nankiera 15b
50-140 Wrocław, Poland

Editor-in-Chief: Anna Gemra

Assistant Editor: Adam Mazurkiewicz


  • DOAJ
  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)
  • ICI Journals Master List