
Tom 1 (2013)

She tells a story about the end of the world. Literary images of the war experience in contemporary Croatian female prose

Paulina Kudzin

Strony: 247 - 261



She tells a story about the end of the world. Literary images of the war experience in contemporary Croatian female prose

The main goal of the paper is to describe modern Croatian female literature. More specifically, the paper deals with several novels which were inspired by the traumatic events that occured in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s: Kao da me nema by Slavenka Drakulić, Pred crvenim zidom by Irena Vrkljan, Crnac by Tatjana Gromača and Uho, grlo, nož by Vedrana Rudan. The common denominator in these literary works is that they are all written from a female perspective and they combine fictional elements with autobiographical records and events which can be referred back to the reality of the 1990s war. In order to be able to explore this literature, of great significance are such elements as the body, memory and identity which are intertwined in different combinations. Moreover, the style aspects are of crucial importance, being not only secondary elements but also the subject of female writing which faces the experienced trauma.

Ona priča o kraju svijeta. Literarne slike ratnog iskustva u suvremenoj hrvatskoj ženskoj prozi

Ovaj članak pokušava opisati specifičnost suvremenog hrvatskog ženskog pisma, koje je inspirirano događajima ratnih devedesetih godina na području bivše Jugoslavije: Kao da me nema Slavenke Drakulić, Pred crvenim zidom Irene Vrkljan, Crnac Tatjane Gromače i Uho, grlo, nož Vedrane Rudan. Posebnost ove književnosti proizlazi iz činjenice da je realizirana iz perspektive žene te da spaja literarnu fikciju s realnim događajima koji se odnose na ratnu stvarnost. Osim toga, ono što povezuje ova djela je pokušaj razbijanja stereotipa, aktivna umjetnička subverzija te uporaba specifičnih literarnih formi. U produbljivanju te književnosti bitni su glavni motivi, svojevrsni tropi, koji pomažu u interpretaciji, a takvima smatram probleme tijela, pamćenja i identiteta, koji se prožimaju u različitim konfiguracijama i proporcijama. Štoviše, jako je bitno pitanje stila koji čini, ne toliko nadgradnju, nego i temu ženskog stvaralaštva koje se suočava s proživljenom traumom.