
Tom 2 (2014)

Переплетіння текстуального і тілесного кодів у прозі сербських постмодерністів

Alla Taterenko

Strony: 239 - 248



Intertwining of textual and bodily codes in Serbian postmodernists’ prose

The problem of interaction of textual and bodily codes in postmodern literature is increasingly attracting attention of foreign and Ukrainian researchers. Postmodern literature as a paradigm, which marked its domination in the first phase of the development of postmodern culture with bright poetical expression, exhibits a specific approach to this problem which deserves a special attention of researchers. In this study we are going to focus on intertwining of textual and bodily codes in the works of well-known representatives of Serbian postmodern literature, such as Milorad Pavić, Sava Damjanov and Goran Petrović.

Preplitanje tekstualnih i telesnih kodova u prozi srpskog postmodernizma

Problem interakcije tekstualnih i telesnih kodova u postmodernističkoj književnosti sve više privlači pažnju stranih i domaćih istraživača. Književnost postmodernizma kao paradigme koja je obeležila svojom dominacijom prvu etapu u razvoju postmoderne kulture i predstavlja njen poetički izraz, ima specifičan prilaz tom problemu koji zaslužuje posebnu pažnju. U ovom radu bavimo se osobenostima preplitanja tekstualnog i telesnog kodova u stvaralaštvu istaknutih predstavnika srpskog postmodernizma Milorada Pavića, Save Damjanova i Gorana Petrovića.