
Tom 9 (2021)

Literatura, tożsamość i historia. Szkic o twórczości Liny Kostenko

Strony: 259-272



The article concerns famous Ukrainian female poet, literary critic and writer Lina Kostenko (born 1930). It is a synthetic approach, which presents the important position of Kosteno in the life of Ukrainian literature and culture as well as politic life over the past 60 years as: 1. author of revealing lyrics and poems; 2. author of high-profile journalism on current topics, especially those related to the Chernobyl tragedy; 3. participant of the dissident movement in Ukraine; 4. author of the famous novel depicting the Ukrainian intelligentsia on the eve of the Orange Revolution of 2004 – Zapysky ukrajinskogo samashedshogo (2010); 5. a moral authority speaking on matters important for Ukrainian identity and historical heritage.