Editorial Committee


Agnieszka Matusiak (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Editorial Staff

Małgorzata Abassy (Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland)

Vladyslav Hrynevich (The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine)

Dorota Kołodziejczyk (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Larysa Leszczenko (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Libor Martinek (Silesian university, Opava, Czech Republic / University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Tomasz Nakoneczny (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)

Andrzej Polak (University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland)

Iryna Starovoyt (The Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv, Ukraine)

Jakub Walczak (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Michał Wawrzonek (Jesuit University Ignatianum in Cracow, Poland)

Editorial Assistants

Aniela Radecka (University of Wroclaw, Poland)


Language Editors

Dorota Drużyłowska (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Jędrzej Olejniczak (University of Wroclaw, Poland)

Iryna Protsyk (University of Wroclaw, Poland) 



The main responsibilities of the board include: maintaining the publishing continuity, ensuring high quality of the published content, promoting the journal in the academia both locally and abroad, acquiring reviewers and bringing in quality articles and other publishable content that match the journal's scope.

The Editor-in-Chief, being the Head of the Editorial Board, is responsible for the entirety of the journal. Editor-in-Chief is responsible for the journal's model, its content and the quality thereof. The Editor-in-Chief decides on the framework of subjects and themes the journal assumes and represents the journal among the University's and external publishing and academic bodies. It is also the Editor's responsibility to invite the members of the Editorial Board and to select the Section Editors for each volume. The Editor-in-Chief has the final say with regard to the reviews of each submitted article and its publication in a given volume. Lastly, they also have to approve each volume before it is published.

The Members of the Editorial Board are responsible for the preliminary assessment of the content submitted to the journal; they qualify and assign the content, providing their opinions and recommendations to the Editor-in-Chief and the Section Editors of the particular volumes. The Members also assist the Section Editors in their work.

The secretary is responsible for coordinating the journal's undertakings.

The Academic Board's role is to oversee the academic standards of the journal, popularizing the research results published therein and promoting the journal in the academic communities that those Board Members represent.

The Advisory Board is to counsel and advise the Editor-in-Chief on the Journal's potential directions in terms of the development of the humanities and social sciences. The Board is also to oversee the quality of the published content and to promote the research results published in the Journal.





Wiktor Kołesnyk (Uniwersytet im. T. Szewczenki w Kijowie, Ukraina)

Lubomir Machala (Uniwersytet Palackiego, Ołomuniec, Czechy)

Włodzimierz Mokry (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, Polska)

Marko Pavlyshyn (Monash University, Melbourne, Australia)

Serhii Plokhii (Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA)



Petr Bílek (Uniwersytet Karola w Pradze, Czechy)

Vitaly A. Chernetsky (Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA)

Aleksandra Hrycak (Reed College, Portland, OR, USA)

Grzegorz Hryciuk (Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Polska)

Juraj Marušiak (Słowacka Akademia Nauk, Bratysława, Słowacja)

Jewgienj Paszczenko (Uniwersytet w Zagrzebiu, Chorwacja)

Jarosław Poliszczuk (Uniwersytet im. B. Hrinczenki, Kijów, Ukraina)

Ołeksandr Pronkewycz (Uniwersytet im. P. Mohyły w Mikołajowie, Ukraina)

Anna Skotnicka (Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków, Polska)

Ałła Tatarenko (Uniwersytet im. I. Franki we Lwowie, Ukraina)

Natalia Teres (Uniwersytet im. T. Szewczenki w Kijowie, Ukraina)

Natalia Wasiliewa (Państwowy Uniwersytet w Sankt Petersburgu, Rosja)








Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 2353-8546
e-ISSN: 3071-6780


Centrum Transkulturowych Studiów Posttotalitarnych
Wydział Filologiczny UWr
ul. Pocztowa 9, pok. 306
53-313 Wrocław, Polska


  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)