For Authors



1. Editors reserve the right to reject submitted texts if they do not meet the publishing requirements.

2. The submitted text must be accompanied by a declaration of the author(s) (also below) stating that it has not been published anywhere (including the Internet) or sent to another journal for consideration. The declaration corresponds with the recommendations of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland counteracting the reprehensible practices of “ghostwriting” and “guest authorship”, which are unethical and reflect scientific misconduct. The declaration can be found on our website

3. Length of the article: up to 15 pages.

4. Length of the review: up to 5 pages.

5. Length of the report: up to 2 pages.

6. Languages of publication: English, Polish, other Slavic languages.

7. The submitted text must be accompanied by a summary and title of the article in English; a summary and title of the article in a Slavic language other than the language of the article (max. 150 words); five key-words in English and in a Slavic language other than the language of the article; a biographical note (affiliation; title or degree; position held; research interests; current work address and email – max. 80 words).

8. The text should be submitted in three printed copies (one with the name of the author(s) and two anonymous) and in a digital form (CD) to the address of the editorial board:

         "Miscellanea Posttotalitariana Wratislaviensia"

         Interdisciplinary Research Center for Post-totalitarian Studies

         Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Wroclaw

         ul. Pocztowa 9, room 306

         53-313 Wroclaw, Poland


9. The name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) should be listed in the upper left-hand corner of the first page:

         John Smith

         University of Wroclaw (Wroclaw, Poland)

10. Formatting and Style Guide:

a) Standard printout: 30 lines per page; 60 characters per line (1800 characters (with spaces) per page); justified text; margins: top, bottom – 2,5; left – 3,5, right – 1,5

b) font: Times New Roman in 12 point size.

c) title of the article – centered, font – 14 point size

d) spacing: 1,5 in the main text; single spaced in the footnotes.

e) titles of literary works appearing in the text for the first time should be accompanied by the original title (not in transliteration) and the date of publication in parentheses; titles of literary works should be italicized (do not use quotation marks).

f) quotations should be given in the original language (not in transliteration); longer quotations (more than 40 words) should be set apart from the surrounding text, in block format, indented from the left margin, and single spaced; font: 10 point size.

g) names appearing in the text for the first time should be given in full.

h) footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page on which the reference appears.

i) use continuous footnote numbering.

j) bibliographic description in the footnotes should be given in the original language; please follow the examples:

a. For books:

J. Smith, History of Poland, New York 2009, p. 25.

Ibidem, p. 15.

J. Smith, op. cit., p. 37.

b. Excerpts from publications of the same author:

J. Smith, History of Silesia, [in:] eadem, History of Poland, New York 2009, p. 67-98.

Ibidem, s. 75.

J. Smith, op. cit., s. 90.

c. Chapter in a collective work:

M. Stone, History of Europe, trans. by J. Rolf,
[in:] History of the World, ed. by J. Smith et al., New York 2008, p. 109-117.

d. Journal article:

R. Rolf, Pilgrims, „American History” 2006, no. 1, p. 32-73.

e. Online journal article:

J. Smith, Colonialism and Postcolonialism, „American Week” 14 January 2013 [ – access: 20.01.20013].



........................................................                  .................... place, .................... date




(name/address/affiliation of the author(s))






I hereby declare, on behalf of myself and my co-authors (if any), that the article submitted to the editorial board of the journal “MISCELLANEA POSTTOTALITARIANA WRATISLAVIENSIA” based at the Interdisciplinary Research Center for Post-totalitarian Studies of the Institute of Slavic Studies (ul. Pocztowa 9, 53-313 Wroclaw, Poland) titled:




I declare that:

  1. 1. The article submitted is an original work and has neither been published in any other peer-reviewed journal nor is under consideration for publication by any other journal (including online).

  2. 2. I am/we are the sole author(s) of the article.

  3. 3. Copyright to the above work (including without limitation, the right to publish the work in whole, or in part, in any and all forms) is hereby transferred to the editorial board of“MISCELLANEA POSTTOTALITARIANA WRATISLAVIENSIA”.




(signature of the author(s))




Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wydawnictwo „Szermierz”
ISSN: 2353-8546


Centrum Transkulturowych Studiów Posttotalitarnych
Wydział Filologiczny UWr
ul. Pocztowa 9, pok. 306
53-313 Wrocław, Polska


  • Erih Plus
  • Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA, ProQuest)
  • The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH)